Friday, October 17, 2008

Something Not Very Many People Know About Me?

Something not very many people know about me is that I love Math. Math is a great subject to take while in school. If you looking into Business in your future math will be your first step to take. It alot you will have to do but just believe in yourself. Math is the Key to success. You will have to know math on any type sistuation. Math mean the world to me.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Worst Thing A Parent Can Do To Their Child?

I believe the worst thing a parent can do to a child is take their money. Its alot of children that save they money for serveral purposes. Say for instant if a child save $300 to attend Disney World. The parnet need the cash to pay a bill but take money. The child feels they waited a long time to save the cash. That would be consider foul because the parnet taking the money.